
Exploring the Effects of Synaptolepis Kirkii for Lucid Dreaming

As someone who has been practicing Lucid Dreaming for several years, I am always on the lookout for new and effective ways to help reach a lucid dream state.  The research I have done for this website has introduced me to a lot of new ideas.  Like, for example, In my last few posts, I…

Unlocking the Secrets of Entada Rheedii: The African Dream Bean

Unlocking the Secrets of Entada Rheedii: The African Dream Bean

Entada Rheedii, also known as the African Dream Bean, the snuff box sea bean, and the cacoon vine (In Jamaica) is a plant that holds great cultural significance in African traditions.  Its name comes from the Dutch colonial administrator of the East India Company (1669-1676) Hendrik Adriaan van Rheede tot Drakenstein.   In Africa, E. Rheedi is used medicinally…

How To Make Calea Zacatechichi Tea For Lucid Dreaming

How To Make Calea Zacatechichi Tea For Lucid Dreaming

Lucid Dreaming is a fascinating phenomenon that allows individuals to become aware of and control their dreams.   In this post, we shall explore How To Make Calea Zacatechichi Tea ~ a brew popular with the Native Indians of Mexico with the reported ability to enhance the likelihood of experiencing the world of Lucid Dreams.   These days Calea Z is…