
How Do Moon Cycles Affect Success and Healing – The Miracle 33!

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 How Do Moon Cycles Affect Success and Healing?  And What Is Moon Manifestation?

We’ve all heard the stories about the full moon ????  The legends of werewolves and many other fascinating stories about how the lunar cycles influence our behavior.  Just the word lunatic interestingly refers to someone that is driven mad by the moonlight.  Something that was commonly believed by many people during the middle ages, but still to this day this has not gone away completely.  [R

They say that many people with Bipolar disorder claim an offset of symptoms during a full moon.  Some say this is because of how moonlight affects sleep cycles [R], but still, it is thought by others to be more of a supernatural phenomenon.

Also, it is worth noting that some studies suggest that more crimes such as rapes and murders are committed during the days when there is a full moon [R].  Statistics do incredibly back this up but why really is this?

The way the Moon influences our everyday lives is quite fascinating.  It is known that the gravitational force of the moon affects high and low tides but How Do Moon Cycles Affect Success and Healing?  

This is certainly the basis of countless myths and legends but is any aspect of this true?

How Moon Cycles Affect Success, Healing and Moon Manifestation.

*Please note that within this content I will be including affiliate links* This may mean I earn a commission for sharing a link to my affiliate vendor’s website.  The price you pay will not be affected and if you find this content enjoyable, helpful or even both then this is a great way to help support my work xx and keep me topped up with Coffee whilst I’m writing new posts. 

Now let’s continue…

How Moon Cycles Affect Success, Healing and Moon Manifestation.

So one notion is that bowing to a new moon and turning over any silver coins in your pocket can bring good fortune.  

They say that this is because the color of the Moon has a direct affinity with the silver color of some coins.  

Silver is said to be the female color and the moon is known as a goddess for this reason.  Many cultures have their own Moon Goddess.

  • The Egyptians have Isis,
  • The Romans had Diana or Luna 
  • The Greeks had Europa,
  • The Norse had Máni
  • The Pagans had Ēostre which gives the name for Easter 
  • and certainly, this is not all of them… 

This you can see throughout history.  Many ancient cultures worshipped the moon for many different reasons.  The word money comes from mooney and perhaps this is because that many of our ancestors believed the moon to be an influencer of fertility and prosperity.  Something that Moon Manifestation also claims to be the case. 

I will discuss more about how Moon Manifestation works shortly but before I do…

What Are The Magical Powers of The Moon?

magical powers of the moon

How Do  Moon Cycles Affect Success and Healing?  This is quite interesting for sure and there are many sayings about how performing certain rituals can influence our fortunes and prosperity during these times.

    One popular idea is that showing your silver coins to the New Moon and wishing for money, will increase your riches every day the Moon grows in size.  You can find out the dates of the Lunar Calendar here.  Check google otherwise.

    They also say that you should never be without silver coins at the time of a new moon and that you should never look at a new moon through, a window, curtains, or through trees.  

    Anything that obscures the sight of a new moon is apparently a bad omen.  As is a Full Moon on a Sunday, giving birth outside in the moonlight, pointing at a new moon, or looking at the moon over your shoulder.  [R]

    Good omens are a new moon on a Monday [Moonday], moving into a new house on the day of a new moon, showing your newborn baby to a new moon, and holding a moonstone in your mouth during a new moon. [R]

    Moon manifestation is something quite different really to these old legends but one correlation is perhaps the mystical power that emanates from the Moonlight.  

    Practicing Manifestation during moonlight is apparently not the same as performing these rituals during daylight.  Strange as this sounds the general consensus is that different metaphysical energies are at play here.  It is mostly for the participant to find out for themselves but for those interested, I will continue to elaborate further below.

    Taking Advantage of Moon Manifestation?

    what is moonlight manifestation

    Moon Manifestation is for anyone that is interested, a concept of using the supernatural power of moonlight to manifest your dreams and desires into reality.  At these special times of night different cosmic energies become more powerful and it is these moments that can directly influence our fortunes and fates.  

    We may think of small things like paying off our debts, making just enough money to pay for a new pair of shoes, or really just getting by comfortably for the next couple of months.  Simple wishes and the things we never thought could be possible can all become very real future events. 

    According to Alexander Wilson, the creator of The Miracle 33 – a digital product based on learning the best practices for Moon Manifestation we can have anything we want.  Limitations must surely apply but apparently not!  

    Whether it be luxury cars and houses, a 6 figure income, finding the love of your life, or whatever else – if Alexander Wilson is to be believed then really this could be the stuff that dreams are made of.

    You can make of this what you will but things like this you might find can have very surprising results.  So if you are willing to make a small investment in Alexander Wilson’s Moonlight Manifestation – The Miracle 33 it could turn out to be the best investment you ever made.  As fanciful as this may seem why not just use this to realize your dreams and see what happens?

    >>>Get Started With The Miracle 33 Here and Start Transforming Your Life Today<<<

    About ‘The Miracle 33’ Moonlight Manifestation

    about alexander wilson moonlight manifestation

    Quick Summary:

    Product NameAlexander Wilson’s Moonlight ManifestationWhat Does This Product Do? Learn the best practices for Manifestation during moonlight and specific moon cycles. What Is Moon ManifestationDigital Product with Training Videos and PDFsCategoryManifestationAuthorAlexander WilsonPrice$55.50Return Policy60 Days Money Back GuaranteeOfficial WebsiteClick Here To Visit The Official Website

    So Moonlight ManifestationThe Miracle 33 is a package of digital products that will assist you with practicing abundance meditation.   No matter how old you are or how you feel about yourself – this claims to be able to help.

    By following the instructions by Alexander Wilson you can begin the process of moonlight manifesting today.  In fact, what’s more (I think this is incredible) if you do not experience greater fortunes within 60 days of purchasing this product you can claim back a full refund for every penny.  No questions asked!

    You can not really go wrong here.  It’s really a win-win situation for anyone willing to give this a try. 

    What Do You Get With Moonlight Manifestation?

    Inside the Alexander Wilson Moonlight Manifestation digital product, you will find 3 different sets of tracks.

    Each set serves a different purpose and altogether this includes 19 audio tracks as well as 3 bonus tracks.  

    Check out these 3 lists below to learn more; 

    1. The Income Manifestation Series:

    The first seven tracks of the Alexander Wilson Moonlight Manifestation course begin with Abundance Rising and Divine Block Dissolver tracks.  Each I will briefly describe below:

    • Pure Presence:  Upgrade your vibration within a few minutes and begin your manifestation journey by helping to make your presence pure to yourself and others that you come into contact with.
    • The 12D Self Activator:  Switch off negative energy and facilitate positive energy to work as an energetic signature on this earth as a force for good and enlightenment beyond the 4th and 5th dimensions of time and space.
    • The Soul’s Purpose Akashic Journey:  Discover the soul purpose assigned to you in your current earthly incarnation.
      Realign your body with as a true reflection of your soul to live a happy and fulfilling life.
    • Past Life Karma Clearing:  Remove past life generational blocks to help you manifest greater things out of life.  Grow past the many negative beliefs which stop us from reaching our true potential with this powerful track.
    • The Overnight Signs Journey:  Get the answers to the questions that you unknowingly ask yourself every night when you’re asleep.   Learn to read the hidden signs from the universe and find out what they mean to you.
    • Quantum Wealth Activation:  Transform your negative energy into positive energy on every level, and unlock the barriers to your success.  Activate the power of quantum wealth manifestation and see what this does for your fortunes. 
    • Money Blocks DNA Clearing:  Remove all negative beliefs you have regarding money from your subconscious mind, and use this tool for positive thinking to manifest all your dreams and desires.

    2. The Unstoppable Motivational Series:

    This next set of tracks is specially chosen to help activate your hidden talent and inner powers.  In this series listen to these sounds to help boost your confidence and unleash your full potential. 

    • Remove all fears and doubts
    • Increase your confidence
    • Eliminate childhood trauma
    • Activate your talent
    • Remove blocks to manifest abundance
    • Balance and charge your 7 chakras

    3. The Unlock Your Quantum Magic Series:

    With these final tracks use these sounds to help;

    • Improve your memory
    • Enhance your communication and speaking skills
    • Boost your IQ level
    • Activate your third eye to predict the foreseen future
    • Get innovative ideas
    • Improve your writing skills

    >>> Click Here To Get Moonlight Manifestation With Three Bonus Tracks Today<<<

    But Is The Miracle 33 Product Legit?

    Well, this is very interesting.  What Alexander Wilson claims is that 33 selected participants initially took part in his pilot Moon Manifestation coaching program.  

    Between these people, he claims all of them to some degree experienced fortunes they never thought possible.

    It could be a load of rubbish for sure but there is no denying that the purging of negative energy and the placement of positive energy where it once stood can itself – supernatural or not – make incredible things happen.

    But what does this have to do with How Moon Cycles Affect Success and Healing?  This is the main question really.

    Can they?  It doesn’t matter how superstitious we might not be there is no denying that our ancestors believed the moon to have a certain power.  We should know this to be a fact but did they know something we don’t?

    Alexander Wilson’s product involves a kind of guided meditation where we are trained to harmonize with Theta frequencies.  Very much this is quite similar to Alex’s other product Manifestation Magic but instead, we are manifesting at night rather than day.  His results seem really quite convenient considering he is trying to sell this to people but how about this?

    I would say this is legit because you do get everything mentioned above and if you do want a refund within 60 days of making your purchase you can easily claim by contacting support@moonmanifestation.com or if not use this link [HERE}. 

    So Does Moon Manifestation Really Work?

    Whether you are using Alexander Wilson’s guide to practice Moonlight Manifestation or not the key thing you’re possibly asking yourself is does this really work?  It’s a difficult question really but surely this is teaching you something and what you should ask is how will these teaching influence you towards how you live.

    They say manifestation is in some circles just a catalyst for positive thinking – which in many ways can itself be the catalyst for positive outcomes.  This can make a product such as ‘The Miracle 33’ worth every penny depending on the outcomes.

    Although, really is there something more here?  What is it about magic, mysticism, and the true nature of reality that is hidden from us?  Why have so many people looked to the moon in the past as such a force for both good and bad?

    Honestly, there really is only one way to find out and this is to try this out for ourselves.  Either try the product or check out the following videos to see if they can help you manifest success and prosperity in the future.


    Final Thoughts

    I’ve definitely written about manifestation a few times on this website now.  It’s a topic that has made me think a lot about what it can do.  Whether this is because we can reprogram our reality in ways we could never possibly imagine or simply just because programming the brain to behave in the right way can itself lead to successful actions.

    Both could be possible reasons to practice manifestation but how do moon cycles affect success and healing?  The conventional answer is that we sleep better.  Really so during a new moon, we might sleep better than during a full moon.  Simple as that but is it?  I will leave this up to you to decide. 

    Let us know what you think in the comments section below and many thanks for reading.  Until next time.

    May your secret garden of mind flourish and prosper 

    Best wishes from

    Alexander B. Chivers

    Sharing is caring!


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