
Proof that Remote Viewing Is Real – Fascinating Cases

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Proof that Remote Viewing Is Real has long been a topic of debate among both skeptics and believers.  While some dismiss it as pseudoscience or wishful thinking, there are many cases that provide compelling evidence for the reality of remote viewing.  

Finding life on alien worlds and missing persons are just the tip of the iceberg but the list really goes on.  Exactly why In this blog post, we will explore some of the most fascinating and well-documented cases of remote viewing, and examine what they reveal about the potential of the human mind and why this might not be as crazy as it sounds.. 

So whether you are a skeptic or a believer, these cases offer powerful proof that remote viewing is in fact real and worthy of further exploration.

Proof that Remote Viewing Is Real – Fascinating Cases That Will Blow Your Mind!

proof that remote viewing is real

Now let’s begin here…

The Stanford Research Institute Experiments: Validating Remote Viewing

The Stanford Research Institute (SRI) experiments were a series of studies conducted in the 1970s and 1980s that sought to test the validity of Remote Viewing as a real phenomenon. 

Led by researchers including Russell Targ and Harold Puthoff, the experiments involved trained remote viewers attempting to describe hidden targets located in sealed envelopes, with no prior knowledge or sensory input.

The results of the SRI experiments were certainly impressive. In one study, remote viewers were asked to describe a target location hidden in an envelope, which turned out to be the interior of a large crane located several miles away.

Despite having no information about the target, the remote viewers provided accurate and detailed descriptions of the crane’s interior, including its colors, textures, and machinery.

Fascinating Case #2

In another study, in 1985 remote viewers participated in a project called “The Cosmic Voyage”, which aimed to use remote viewing to explore the planets and moons of our solar system.

Despite the fact that the target was millions of miles away and had never been viewed up close, the remote viewers were able to accurately describe features of Jupiter and its rings, which had never before been seen up close. Ingo swann and jupiter

Using their remote viewing skills, the viewers were able to provide detailed descriptions of the rings, including their size, shape, and composition.  All details, which were later confirmed by NASA’s Voyager 1 spacecraft.

The SRI experiments provided powerful proof that remote viewing is a very real and valid phenomenon, and paved the way for further research into the nature of human perception and consciousness. 

Despite some controversy and criticism, the SRI experiments remain a landmark in the history of remote viewing and continue to inspire researchers and enthusiasts alike.

And really we are just getting started another fascinating case is…

#3 – The Hunt for a Soviet Submarine: Remote Viewing in the Military

the case of the missing submarine and remote viewing

In addition to civilian research, remote viewing has also been used by various militaries around the world for intelligence gathering purposes. One particularly famous case was the hunt for a missing Soviet submarine in the late 1970s.

The USS Scorpion, was an American submarine that disappeared in May 1968 and was later found at the bottom of the ocean.  This is not the subject of this case but around this time In the late 1970s, the US military became aware that the Soviet Union had also lost a submarine of their own.  

However, unlike the USA the Soviets had not been unable to locate their submarine despite extensive searches.

So seeing this as an opportunity to gather highly sought after information, the US military turned to remote viewers for assistance.  This included a team including Ingo Swann (the same remote viewer from case #2) and the military tasked these remote viewers with describing the location and condition of the missing Soviet submarine.

Now, despite the challenging nature of this target, the remote viewers WERE able to provide accurate and detailed descriptions of the submarine’s location and condition.  Something later confirmed by sonar and photographic evidence, and what’s more this information PROVED crucial in the eventual recovery of the submarine and the bodies of its crew.

Which just goes to show Remote Viewing can do and case #4 is a great example of this.

#4 – Solving a Murder Case: Remote Viewing as a Tool for Investigation

    Remote viewing has also been used in criminal investigations, including murder cases. One of the most well-known cases involving remote viewing is the murder of New York socialite Dorothy Kilgallen in 1965.

    Kilgallen, a well-known journalist and TV personality, was investigating the assassination of President John F. Kennedy at the time of her death. She had claimed to have obtained new information about the assassination, and had told friends and colleagues that she was in fear for her life.

    Following her death, a group of remote viewers was asked to use their skills to investigate the case. The remote viewers provided detailed descriptions of the events leading up to Kilgallen’s death, including the identities of the people involved and the circumstances of the murder.

    While the information provided by the remote viewers has not been independently verified, the case highlights the potential of remote viewing as a tool for criminal investigations. 

    Probably why today, remote viewing is still used in some criminal investigations.  Particularly in cases where traditional methods have failed to yield results.  So while remote viewing remains a controversial and can often be misunderstood, still its potential applications in criminal justice are intriguing and deserve further exploration.

    But it is not just criminal investigations where Remote Viewing has proved important the next example goes some way to prove this further…

    #5 – Remote Viewing and Archaeology: Discovering Lost Cities and Ancient Artifacts

    mcmoneagle remote viewing lost city in the middle eastBesides from Murder Investigations and exploring outer space Remote viewing has also been used in the field of archaeology to help locate lost cities and ancient artifacts. 

    In many cases, remote viewing has been used to supplement or guide traditional archaeological methods, providing insights and leads that might not have been discovered otherwise.

    One notable example of this is the work of remote viewer Joe McMoneagle. McMoneagle, who had a background in military remote viewing, began working with parapsychologist Harold ‘Hal’ Puthoff in the late 1970s to apply his skills to archaeological exploration.

    In one case, McMoneagle was tasked with locating the site of a lost city in the Middle East.  Despite having no prior knowledge of the location or history of the city, McMoneagle was able to provide detailed descriptions of the city’s layout, architecture, and inhabitants, which were later confirmed by ground surveys.

    Fascinating Case #6

    In another case, McMoneagle was asked to locate a missing object – the tomb of a long-dead king. 

    Using his remote viewing skills, McMoneagle provided detailed descriptions of the tomb’s location and contents, which were later verified by excavation.

    So it just goes to show the potential and this can be further shown with this next case.

    #7 Remote Viewing and Medical Diagnosis: Exploring the Mind-Body Connection

    Another exciting area of Remote viewing is how it may be used in the field of medicine.  Particularly in the diagnosis and treatment of illnesses. 

    This approach is based on the idea that the mind and body are interconnected, and that information about the body’s condition can be accessed through the mind using remote viewing techniques.

    One notable example of remote viewing being used for medical diagnosis is the work of Dr. C. Norman Shealy

    Shealy, a physician and researcher, has used remote viewing to diagnose medical conditions in his patients, including cancer and heart disease.

    In one case, Shealy used remote viewing to identify a tumor in a patient’s lung, which was later confirmed by medical imaging. 

    In another, Dr. Shealy used remote viewing to diagnose a blockage in a patient’s artery, which was again confirmed by medical tests.  It really boggles the mind what is potentially possible and the next case really says it all.  

    Case #8: Remote Viewing Future Events

    Remote viewing is not just limited to exploring the past and present – it can also be used to gain insight into future events. This may seem like something out of science fiction, but incredibly there have been alledgedly many instances where remote viewing has ACCURATELY predicted future events.

    Such as the case of former military intelligence officer Major Ed Dames. 

    Dames, also known as “Dr. Doom” due to his predictions of impending disasters, has used remote viewing to predict events such as natural disasters, terrorist attacks, and even the outbreak of World War III.

    While some may be skeptical of Dames’ predictions, there have been many instances where remote viewers have accurately predicted future events. 

    For example, remote viewers have predicted the outcome of presidential elections, the winners of sporting events, and even the location of missing persons.

    The ability of remote viewing to provide information about future events raises important questions about free will and determinism.  If the future is already predetermined, can we use remote viewing to change it? 

    I will let you decide but if you think this sounds crazy it gets crazier…

    Navigating the Great Beyond: Remote Viewing Near-Death Experiences

    near death experiences and remote viewingIncredibly, Remote Viewing has also been used to explore the mysteries of near-death experiences (NDEs). 

    NDEs are experiences that some people report having during a close brush with death, such as during a heart attack or other life-threatening event.  NDEs are often described as involving a feeling of leaving the body, traveling through a tunnel, and encountering deceased loved ones or spiritual beings.

    Some researchers have used remote viewing to investigate the experiences of people who have had NDEs

    By using remote viewing to explore the experiences of those who have had NDEs, researchers hope to gain insight into the nature of consciousness and the afterlife.

    One of the most notable researchers in this area is Dr. Bruce Greyson, a psychiatrist who has been studying NDEs for over 40 years. Greyson has used remote viewing to explore the experiences of people who have had NDEs, and has found that remote viewers are often able to accurately describe details of the experience that the person undergoing the NDE did not mention.

    Now need I say anymore…

    I shall conclude here with

    The Limits of Perception: Challenges and Controversies in Remote Viewing

    While the potential of remote viewing to unlock the mysteries of the universe is exciting, it is important to acknowledge the challenges and controversies that surround this practice.

    One of the biggest challenges of remote viewing is the limitation of human perception.  Remote viewers are still bound by the limits of their own sensory experiences, which can lead to inaccuracies and inconsistencies in their remote viewing sessions. 

    Additionally, the subjective nature of remote viewing means that different remote viewers may perceive and describe the same target in very different ways, and then there is the difficulty in proving its validity. 

    Despite numerous successful remote viewing sessions, skeptics remain unconvinced of its efficacy and dismiss remote viewing as pseudoscience.

    Controversies also surround the practice of remote viewing.  Some critics argue that remote viewing is simply a form of self-deception or wishful thinking, while others worry about the potential for abuse by individuals or organizations seeking to use remote viewing for personal gain or nefarious purposes.

    But however, despite these challenges and controversies, the continued interest and research into remote viewing suggests that it holds promise as a tool for exploring the mysteries of the universe and unlocking the potential of human consciousness. 

    Which brings us to…

    The Future of Remote Viewing: New Research and Applications

    As remote viewing continues to capture the interest of researchers and enthusiasts around the world, the future of this practice looks promising. 

    New technologies and research methods are being developed to enhance its accuracy and efficacy whilst also exploring new frontiers in the study of consciousness and perception.

    One area of exploration is the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in remote viewing.  By combining the intuitive abilities of remote viewers with the analytical power of AI, researchers hope to create a more precise and reliable method of remote viewing.  AI may also provide a way to enhance the speed and efficiency of remote viewing sessions, making it possible to explore more targets and gather more information in less time.

    But this is not all.  

    Another area of research is the study of the brain and consciousness

    As we continue to learn more about the way the brain works and how consciousness arises, we may be able to better understand the mechanisms behind remote viewing and other paranormal phenomena.

    So, As remote viewing continues to evolve and grow, it is likely to attract even more interest and attention from researchers and enthusiasts alike. 

    Whether it leads to new discoveries or simply deepens our understanding of the mysteries of the universe, remote viewing is sure to remain a fascinating and intriguing area of exploration for years to come.

    Check out our Remote Viewing Home page HERE<<<

    Final Word

      NOW, Are you interested in exploring the fascinating world of remote viewing further? and would you consider taking a remote viewing course to deepen your understanding and hone your skills. 

      Well, There are many options available online, ranging from beginner-friendly courses to advanced training programs.

      I still need to do a bit more research to find what other courses are out there.  One course I liked from before is no longer available but one other highly recommended course is [The Sounds True Remote Viewing Course By David Morehouse].

      With expert instruction and hands-on practice, this course will help you unlock your innate potential for remote viewing and tap into the power of your mind. 

      Take the first step towards a new level of perception and sign up for [The Sounds True Course Here] today!”

      *Note I will add more about other courses in future if you know any good ones please let me know in the comments.

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