The Law of Attraction Scientific Proof! Revealed!

The Law of Attraction Scientific Proof! Revealed!

Recently (actually 4 years ago per this update), I was listening to the radio, and something I heard made me take notice – The Law of Attraction Scientific Proof !! They was talking about an article published in the Daily Mail (A British Newspaper which I’m sure people from the UK like myself would have heard…

An Introduction to Mediation: the 5 Precepts of Buddhism

An Introduction to Mediation: the 5 Precepts of Buddhism

*This is an update to a post originally published in 2020* Updated for 2024* Hi Guys,  Welcome back to Meditation24x7.  Kind of follow up here to my first post about how this whole journey began for me.  In it, I said about a book Insight Meditation by Sharon Salzburg and John Goldstein. This post is…

What Is The Difference Between Astral Projection and Lucid Dreaming?  Reddit Q & A #2
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What Is The Difference Between Astral Projection and Lucid Dreaming? Reddit Q & A #2

What Is The Difference Between Astral Projection and Lucid Dreaming? These are two fascinating phenomena that quite rightly so have captivated the human imagination for centuries.  Both experiences involve a heightened state of consciousness and the ability to explore realms beyond the physical world.  However, while these experiences may seem similar at first glance, it…

25 Easy To Remember Reality Checks For Lucid Dreaming

25 Easy To Remember Reality Checks For Lucid Dreaming

Understanding The Importance of Reality Checks for Lucid Dreaming really can not be understated.  For those who wonder whether they really are Lucid Dreaming or NOT learning how to utilize Reality Checks in the right way can be the key to knowing whether you REALLY are in a Dream.  For learning how these exercises work,…

What Goes On Beneath the Mind’s Surface -The Unconscious Explained!

What Goes On Beneath the Mind’s Surface -The Unconscious Explained!

What Goes On Beneath the Mind’s Surface is something we can really only speculate upon. The human mind is a complex and fascinating entity that has intrigued scientists, philosophers, and ordinary people for perhaps as long as we have had conscious thought. While we may think as Individuals that we have a good understanding of…

How to Manifest Positive Change In Your Life Today!

How to Manifest Positive Change In Your Life Today!

How to Manifest Positive Change In Your Life Today – “Learn This Secret, to Change Your Life Forever!” What is this you might wonder?  This is actually my inspiration for calling this website Secret Garden of Mind The best way I can describe it is like this. Imagine being in a garden.  At a place…

Exploring Theta Healing and Positive Mind Therapy
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Exploring Theta Healing and Positive Mind Therapy

READ LATER – DOWNLOAD THIS POST AS PDF >> CLICK HERE HERE<< Conclusion Now I don’t know if this had anything to do with the exercises I did for ‘Manifestation Magic‘ but it’s because of this book – I started this website. Meditation 24× [Now]. Also, It’s crazy really. I didn’t think much of…

Christ Consciousness and the Nature of Reality – What This All Means??

Christ Consciousness and the Nature of Reality – What This All Means??

Christ Consciousness and the Nature of Reality – What Does This All Mean?  For anyone who really wants to expand their horizons to more new-age concepts, (I think) this is a big one.  I’ve definitely gone down my own rabbit hole with this one.  This was just over a year ago after taking a lot…

What Are Vibrational and Hypnagogic Stages of Astral Projection

What Are Vibrational and Hypnagogic Stages of Astral Projection

Astral projection is a phenomenon that has fascinated humans for centuries.  It is the ability to consciously leave the physical body and explore different realms and dimensions.   AP has been documented in various cultures and spiritual traditions throughout history.  However, one very important aspect here is the vibrational and hypnagogic stages of Astral Projection which are…