Reiki Healing Meditation Music – How Does it Work?

Hello friends, Bit of an update since my last post from the other day. The name of this website has changed from MeditationZen to Meditation24x7. Maybe not a massive deal but anyway today for the topic that I’ll be discussing it will be Reiki Healing Meditation Music.
So What is Reiki Healing?
Reiki is a Japanese word in origin meaning mysterious atmosphere, miraculous sign. This can also be interpreted as a combination of ‘Rei’ (Soul, or Spirit) & ‘Ki’ (Vital Energy). Reiki Healing is the practice of healing our mind and body through the opening of what people in alternative healing call ‘Chakras‘. These are said to be the spiritual points of our body where mystical energy centers are located.
Of these Chakras, there are generally seven main ones that are identified and used within this mystical technique. A practice that is also known as Palm Healing or Hands-on-Body Healing which supposedly uses the body’s vital energy to channel it’s natural ability to heal itself.
On Reiki’s origins, these are sometimes disputed but most will agree that the dates range from around the late 19th to the early 20th Century, and it was conceived by a Japanese monk named Mikao Usui. Reiki it is thought it was designed by Mikao Usui from his knowledge of several traditional Asian healing practices involving the use of the body’s vital energy.
Reiki and the Body’s Vital Energy
Interestingly what is said to be the main focus of Reiki is the imbalance of the body’s vital energy(qi). It is unproven by science that even such a thing does exist although it is believed that a similar concept was found in the ancient world.
Even more fascinating, researchers claim that a similar technique is believed to have been used to cure diseases in the western hemisphere during the middle ages.
Today this is known as attunement which simply means the passing on of this ancient healing technique from one master to the next. Reiki Attunement, in particular, is the passing on of the technique out the balancing out of the body’s vital energy.
<See video posted below from YouTube>
Reiki Healing Symbols
In Usui Reiki, there are traditionally 5 different Reiki Healing Symbols. Three which are taught to Reiki Stage 2 students and a fourth & fifth which are taught to Reiki Master Students.
These are as follows
- the Power symbol (Choku Rei),
- the Mental/Emotional symbol (Sei He Ki)
- the Distance symbol (Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen)
- the Master symbol (Dai Ko Myo)
- the Completion symbol (raku)
The purpose of these symbols is mostly only used for teaching tools and does not hold any special powers but nonetheless, each one does demonstrate a sacred position within the practice of Reiki Healing.
For the average Reiki practitioner, each of these main symbols represents a different area of Reiki and Healing.
Reiki Healing and Meditation – How it works
How Reiki Healing usually works is via a Reiki Healing Practitioner. This begins with either him or her placing their hands over the patient’s body whilst in a light meditative state.
Starting from the top down to the bottom this technique works by accessing each major one of the seven Chakras. Working along from the front and back for usually a few minutes. This can be done by yourself if you know what you’re doing. Below I will try to explain the best that I can.
So In principle what you’re doing with Reiki Meditation, is firstly by entering a light meditative state, and moving your hands from Chakra to Chakra. This begins by placing your hands over the top of your head (Your Crown Chakra) and breathing in and out.
Next, move your hands towards your forehead and eyes (Your ‘Third Eye Chakra‘) then lift up your head move your hands down to your Throat Chakra.
Note – *The Third Eye also known as the Pineal Gland is very significant spiritually in many different eastern philosophies and religions. Its place in meditation is maybe no coincidence.
Move your hands now to the area of where your chest is. This is your ‘Heart Chakra‘. Take a minute before continuing down again towards your abdominal area. This is another Chakra your ‘Solar Plexus‘ or the ‘Wisdom and Power Chakra‘.
So take deep breaths it’s important to focus all your positive energy whilst you’re doing this. Move your hands next to over the top part of your thighs towards your sexual organs. This is where your ‘Sacral or (Sexuality/Creativity) Chakra‘ is located. Then finally move your hands over your ankles and feet to finish off healing your ‘Root‘ or Basic Trust Chakra.
Reiki Healing Meditation Music
Reiki Healing Meditation Music is a relaxing beautiful calm piece of music that can be used whilst meditating. In a Reiki Healing Session, this can be beneficial to help relax both yourself and if you are using one the Reiki healer.
To find Reiki healing music simply type into YouTube terms like – Zen Meditation Music, Relaxation Music’, or Chakra Healing, Yoga or Calm Meditation music.
Or alternatively, Reiki Healing Music is also available in Amazon Music. See links below;
Also, online Reiki Healing courses can be found which implement Meditation Music as part of the lessons. In my 1st post, a product that was promoted here was called ‘Manifestation Magic’.
This is very similar to Reiki Music Meditation, It involves a practice called Theta Healing. It supposedly works by adjusting brain waves from Delta to Theta Frequencies.
Find more about this product here ( info)
or read my first post (here)
So in Conclusion
For anyone meditating or looking to start meditation, Reiki is definitely something well worth looking into. Even with learning new techniques on how to meditate this ancient healing practice is an excellent point of research. A program that maybe some use is the Usui Reiki Healing Master.
What this program is it’s basically a self-training guide to teach Reiki Healing to others by becoming a self-taught Reiki Master yourself! To find out more click on the image below!
For anyone interested I will leave some more links below of products (books etc.) and also other informative links for other websites that I have used to research this article.
It might leave a few questions still for some people but to be honest this is all kind of new to me as well. Not to sound like too much of an amateur but yes still early days for me. I’m taking each post as it comes but any questions I will be happy to try and answer so please feel free to leave in the comments section.
Links are as follows:
1.) Reiki: A Complete Guide to Real Reiki: How to Increase Vitality, Improve your Health and Feel Great (Reiki – Reiki Healing – Reiki Symbols – Reiki Books)
by Maven Publishing
Price: $2.99
2.) Reiki for Life (Updated Edition): The Complete Guide to Reiki Practice for Levels 1, 2 & 3 – Penelope Quest
by TarcherPerigee
Price: $13.49
3.) The Reiki Manual: A Training Guide for Reiki Students, Practitioners, and Masters – Penelope Quest with Kathy Roberts
by TarcherPerigee
Price: $15.19
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On a final note please feel free to leave your comments and your reviews below in the comment section and as always please Like and Share!
Years ago I tried out reiki meditation, and it was powerful, I felt so much energy surge between my hands and the chakras! It was amazing. I have also had reiki healing done to me, which felt wonderful too. I haven’t participated in this for many years now, but I know how strong the energy over (or in?) the chakras can be, I have felt it. If I wanted to start reiki mediation, can I do this alone, with guidance from books and reiki music? Or would it be better to have a teacher?
Hi Christine, Yes I would say so. Obviously it can always be better to work with professionals but meditation off all types is a 100% something you can practice alone. Reiki or other meditation books or a good idea to learn new techniques and meditation music and chairs plus things like candles, teas etc. can all help.
I like the idea of combining the use of pressure points over ones body with soothing music. I do find Japanese music mesmerizing. When you place your hands on your Chakra zones what do you think of when you meditate? And do you use your hands to do any massage at the same time?
Thanks for sharing this Reiki method using meditation and music to heal the body.
Hi Edwin, When I meditate I try to think of the positive things I can like the love of my friends and family. The things I like doing and all the good things moving forward.
About massaging no you just place your hands over your Chakra points although I might some times place my hands on the top of my head my crown Chakra to begin with.
The Reiki Healing Meditation method makes sense because it literally heals and relaxes the entire body by the time you finish with each of the areas. I know music can be a powerful tool, so it fits hand-in-hand with this form of meditation. Thank you for sharing many resources on this topic!
Hi Heidi, You are most welcome. Thank you for reading and leaving your comment.
Believe it or not, I only heard of Reiki meditation about a year ago and was fascinated.
I appreciate the information you provided, especially the healing symbols breakdown.
Your most welcome Karen. Thank you for taking the time to read.