Using Guided Meditation for Cancer Patients
Hello everyone, Alex here. For today’s post, I’m going to cover Using Guided Meditation for Cancer Patients. Again it’s another quite sensitive subject. I know. Seem to be writing about a lot of these lately but if I’m being truthful these are just the kinds of things that are coming up in my research. Just…

Meditation for Memory Loss – Alzheimer’s and Dementia
Hi, How is everyone? I have been taking a bit of time off but I’m back today with another post. For this one, I will be discussing Meditation for Memory Loss. Especially how it can aid in the treatment of Alzheimer’s, Dementia, and Amnesia. It’s maybe quite a controversial topic I think, but it is…

Using Meditation to Treat Sports Injuries
Hello Everyone, How is everything? Good, I hope. One of a few ideas I’ve had recently about what to write about is Meditation and Sports. For my last post, I covered the topic of using Meditation for Autism and ADHD and will be writing a few others like this in future posts, about different health…

Meditation for Children with Autism and ADHD
Hi Guys, Welcome back to Meditation24x7.com. Some very encouraging words from people after the last post. Lot’s to think about moving ahead and keeping the momentum going. So for today’s post, I will be discussing something very special and personal to me Meditation for Children with Autism and ADHD. It’s maybe a bit of a…

BeanProducts.com – Meditation Cushions, and Mats
Hey Guys – How are you? If this is the first time reading one of my posts it’s great to have you, or if you have visited before – Welcome Back to Meditation 24×7. For this post, I will be reviewing some products for a company I have just partnered with a company called BeanProducts.com…

Reiki Healing for Animals and Pets
Hi everyone, After recently writing a post about Reiki Healing Meditation Music I was having a good think after. About how Reiki works and that if it is good for humans than how about other living creatures – like Reiki Healing for Animals and Pets? It sounds crazy I know. I actually didn’t realize this…

Reviews for Best Light and Sound Machine 2020
Hello Everyone, Welcome back to Meditation 24×7. So things are slowly but surely coming together. It’s been a bit surprising really how much things are coming along, but It’s a good feeling for me. Writing helpful informative articles that I’m publishing online. It is all good so far, but continuing on this will be…

Remote Viewing Exercises to do During Meditation
Hello Everyone, Alex here back with another post for Meditation 24×7. Some interesting developments since my last post. I’ve begun work on adding a subscriber opt-in box to my content. Still a bit to learn here but if you see my last post you’ll see beneath the social media buttons a subscriber box. Anyway, for…

Pure Energy Healing with Natural Synergy
Hi Friends, Welcome back to Meditation 24×7! It has been a hectic couple days that’s for sure since getting back home Monday night has been busy, busy, busy! A Meditation session is well overdue I think. Anyway, for today’s post, I will be covering Pure Energy Healing and a product called Natural Synergy. So just…